ศ.ดร.ฉัตรเฉลิม อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา
The Mahidol University Institutional Review Board (MU-IRB) hereby announces the guidelines for satisfying its requirements for graduate students (Master's - Doctoral degree) in the area of Ethics in Human Research. Students are required to demonstrate that they have acquired an understanding of the protection of Human Research Subjects.
Firstly, they can do this by attending the Conference on Ethics in Human Research held by the Faculty of Graduate Studies/Institutional Review Board and by obtaining a certificate of attendance from the conference. Alternatively, they can attend one of a number of courses provided by various MahidolUniversity faculties which address the area of Ethics in Human Research. Graduate students are not required to register for the course. They must, however, attend the specific classes related to Ethics in Human Research and they must submit a certificate of attendance with signatures of both course coordinator and lecturer(s) to MU-IRB. The following courses are approved by MU-IRB as satisfying their requirements:
ลำดับ | สาขาวิชา | คณะ / สถาบัน | เบอร์โทรติดต่อ |
1 | SCID 518 Generic Skills in Science Research (for international program students only) | Faculty of Science | Tel. +66 2201 5837 |
2 | DTID 514 Research Methodology (Lecture in Thai) | Faculty of Tropical Medicine | Tel. +66 2306 9130 |
3 | TMCD 503 Introduction to Clinical Research (Lecture in Thai) | Faculty of Tropical Medicine | Tel. +66 2306 9130 |
4 | TMID 514 Research Methodology and Design (Lecture in Thai) | Faculty of Tropical Medicine | Tel. +66 2306 9130 |
5 | RANS 600 Research Methodology and Research Utilization | Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital | Tel. +66 2201 2018 |
6 | PYID 685 Research Methodology | Faculty of Pharmacy | Tel. +66 2644 8677-91 ext.1131 |
7 | GRID 521 Research Ethics | Faculty of Graduate Studies | Tel. +66 2441 4125 ext.319-320 |
8 | PTPT 607 Advanced Research Methodology | Faculty of Physical Therapy | Tel. +66 2441 5450 ext.20205 |
9 | SHPP 562 ระเบียบวิธีวิจัยขั้นสูง | Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities | Tel. +66 2800 2040-79 ext. 1259 |
10 | SHPA 516 ระเบียบวิธีวิจัยทางรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ | Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities | Tel. +66 2800 2040-79 ext.1260 |
11 | TMSE 502 Applied Social Sciences in Tropical Medicine | Faculty of Tropical Medicine | Tel. +66 2306 9130 |
12 | สศอค 603 การวิจัยด้านอนามัยครอบครัว | Faculty of Public Health | Tel. +66 2354 8543 – 9 ext.1306,1311 |
13 | สศบส 612 วิธีวิจัยทางด้านการบริหารสาธารณสุข | Faculty of Public Health | Tel. +66 2644 8833 ext.191,192 |
14 | รมพย 609 Advanced Research Design in Nursing | Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital | Tel. +66 2441 4234 |
15 | SICL 636 Professional Ethics | Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital | Tel. +66 2441 4234 |
16 | PHBS 630 Research Methods in Health Science | Faculty of Public Health | Tel. +66 2354 8543-49, +66 2354 8527, 0-2354-8537 |
17 | PYPY 671 Research Methodology in Social Sciences I | Faculty of Pharmacy | Tel. +66 2644 8677-91 ext.1131 |
18 | REHB 582 Research Methodology in Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities | Ratchasuda College | Tel. +66 2889 5308 |
19 | PHAD 516 Ethics in Health System | Faculty of Public Health | Tel. +66 2644 8833 |
20 | PHID 611Research Methodology in Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology | Faculty of Public Health | Tel. +66 2354 0999 ext.3301 |
21 | ENTM501 : Environmental Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis | Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies | Tel.+66 2441 5000 ext.1101 |
22 | RACE 603 Research Protocol Designs | Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital | Tel. +66 2201 1589 |
23 | PHPN 673 Nursing Research and Statistics | Faculty of Public Health | Tel. +66 2354 8542 |
24 | ICBM 518 Research Methodology in Practice | Mahidol University International College | Tel. +66 2679 5053 |
25 | ADPM 628 Research Methodology: Principles of Research Ethics | ASEAN Institute for Health Development | Tel. +66 2441 9551 |
Students who would like to attend the courses above must give a notification from their program director or thesis advisors to the course coordinator before attending the classes. The certification form is available to be downloaded at https://graduate.mahidol.ac.th/.