English Proficiency Test Schedule and Registration in 2025
For further questions, please contact the Language Center, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University / Tel: +66 2441 4125 ext. 150-152 02-441-4125 ต่อ 150-152 / Line: @693lascg / Email: gradlc@mahidol.ac.th
MUGR: AI-driven Interactive Guide for Graduate Program Curriculum Design
AI-driven Interactive Guide for Graduate Program Curriculum Design is an innovative application tailored to aid educators in creating comprehensive graduate curricula aligned with Outcome-based Education (OBE)...
Apply to Mahidol University for Graduate Programs Year-Round!
Mahidol University is now accepting applications for graduate studies, including Graduate Diploma Program, Master's Degree, Higher Graduate Diploma Program, and Doctoral Degrees.Academic Year 2025
MUCE offers courses that are equivalent to postgraduate studies. Every one can study in the program and transfer their credits to Mahidol University's Post-Graduate programs in the future.