Professional and Personal Skills Development  Soft Skills Online
  • +66 2441 4125 ext. 130-131

*** Remark : Students can check their information as well as updated status on the website and will receive a certificate 2 days after an activity has finished.


Policies and Background


At present, it is widely accepted that successful students both in work and personal life have some knowledge they acquire outside of school. Since Professional and Personal Skills Development or Soft skills are as important as the knowledge in school, the dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, with the approval of the Faculty of Graduate Studies policy committee, saw it beneficial to provide Soft Skills development to students in the graduate programs in order to comply with the Faculty of Graduate Studies' strategies that develop the graduates' qualities to meet the international standards. The Deputy Dean for Student Affairs formed the student affairs committee consisting of representatives of all sections to set up Soft Skills development guideline under the project – Professional and Personal Skills Development.

The standard professional and personal skills required for the graduate students in Mahidol University are:
Soft Skills
Health Literacy Skills

(For students with ID 62 onwards)

Soft Skills
Entrepreneurial Literacy Skills

(For students with ID 62 onwards)

Soft Skills
Communication and Language Skills
Soft Skills
Digital Literacy Skills

(For students with ID 61 onwards)

Soft Skills
Digital Literacy Skills
Soft Skills
Leaderships and management skills


Graduate students with student ID no. 59xxxxx and later must pass the Professional and Personal Skills Development to qualify for graduation. Every candidate student must pass at least 1 activity in every required skills.
The activity students take part in will be reported in their transcript.
Students will get a certificate for every activity attended.
Students can register for the activities through the website which will have a schedule of activities for the students to choose.
If the students' program has activities or courses that are similar to the required skills in this project, they can send a request form to the student affairs committee under the committee's agreement meeting will be held every 2 months.
The maximum of comparable skills in the students' program are 2 skills, one of which the student shall take in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.