Transformative Learning skills : Self Discovery (English Version)

Type of Activity and Expected Student Characteristics

- Select one of the following

  •   ด้านบำเพ็ญประโยชน์หรืออาสาพัฒนา
  •   ด้านศิลปวัฒนธรรม
  •   ด้านการพัฒนาคุณธรรมและจริยธรรม
  •   ด้านกีฬา
  •   ด้านวิชาการ
  •   ด้านการนันทนาการ
  •   ด้านบริหารงาน
  •   ด้านพัฒนาวิชาชีพ
  •   ด้านอื่น ๆ

- Expected Student Characteristics

  •   Mastery
  •   Altruism
  •   Harmony
  •   Integrity
  •   Determination
  •   Originality
  •   Leadership


Process of Learning and Transmission are the most important part of life. Transformative Learning is the new perspective of learning that is leading to understanding of the self and the social leading to develop the Analytical and Synthetic Thinking through the experience and also creates the new things. Especially, the Perspective Transformation can awake the individual belief and spirit of the student literally. The Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University sees the importance of Transformative Learning. Therefore, the Faculty of Graduate Studies holds the Training Project on “Transformative Learning skills: Self Discovery” in English version for the Graduate students. Additionally, this project aims to improve the opinion and attitude which help developing the Leadership of Change agent and Teamwork skills more efficiency.


To learn the experience and develop yourself in the Leadership of Change agent.

target group

  • Graduate students of all programs   3000
  • The number of boards in Activity   0

Characteristics of the activity


Expected Results