11.Criteria of Thesis / Thematic paper Defense Examination Evaluation
Thesis Preparation and Submission, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University.
When the examination is complete, the Defense Committee will discuss and deliver their judgement of the examination result. The decision from each individual committee member must be treated as confidential. The net result of the examination will be graded as follows:
"Passed" means the student has satisfactorily completed the thesis or thematic paper and showed the ability to answer all questions asked by the Defense Committee. There is no further corrections or additions in the thesis. The manuscript of the thesis is complete and ready to be printed and published.
"Passed with Conditions" means the thesis is not satisfactorily completed and/or the student could not show ability to answer all questions asked by the Defense Committee. The Committee will require that the thesis or thematic paper be corrected or have main contents added or have the text revised. The conditions and time period for revising the thesis must be specified in order to allow the student to do so. This period, however, must not exceed 90 days or 30 days for revising the thesis or thematic paper, respectively, starting from the date on which the student is informed of the examination results.
"Not Passed" means the student did not demonstrate an ability to write the thesis or thematic paper to the satisfaction of the Defense Committee and/or could not answer many questions. It is apparent that the student did not thoroughly understand the contents and/or the research methods.
A student who receives a "Not Passed" grade will have to correct the thesis or thematic paper according to the suggestions of the Defense Committee within the time limit. When the time limit has elapsed, the student must resubmit a request for a thesis examination and register again.
If the above conditions cannot be met on time, the student will have to explain the reasons and obtain approval for extending the period for thesis or thematic paper submission by petition of the Chair of the Defense Committee and the Program Director. Otherwise, the Faculty of Graduate Studies will assign a " failed " grade and the student will then have to restart, repeating all steps of the thesis or thematic paper, with a new topic.