5.Publication of Ph.D Thesis research work for requesting approval for completion of the doctoral degree

Thesis Preparation and Submission, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University.

In accordance with the Academic Regulations of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, B.E. 2552, Section 8, stating that a doctoral degree student must publish his/her thesis as a requirement for completion of a doctoral degree, Mahidol University, the thesis publication criteria have been amended.

The Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies with a resolution of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Committee meeting 3/2554, on the 26th March B.E. 2554, announced the thesis publication criteria required of a graduate student for completion of a doctoral degree, Mahidol University, as follows.

  1. The announcement of the Academic Regulations of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, B.E. 2550, dated on 19th September B.E. 2550, whose subject was thesis publication requirements for a doctoral degree student, is annulled.

  2. Research articles Any research article must be of doctoral research and published in an international peer-reviewed journal where a student name must be the first author. When a student is the second author, he/she must share contribution equal to or more than the first author's. It must be clarified that the research is under the research framework of Mahidol University.

    An article in the category of meta-analysis articles, peer-reviewed conference papers, or an original article, using social sciences research methodology, having systematic research protocols, and creating new knowledge, or publications in the form of monograph or book series must be submitted for approval by the Faculty of Graduate Studies specialists.

  3. Journals for Publication Journals used for publishing thesis research for completion a doctoral degree are listed in the announcement's addendum. The Faculty of Graduate Studies will update the database that can be checked at www.grad.mahidol.ac.th under "Academic Information".

  4. For journals that are not in the criteria mentioned above, the name must be submitted for approval by the Faculty of Graduate Studies specialists before submitting the research for publishing.

    In order to seek approval, a student must submit the journal information for the Faculty of Graduate Studies' consideration and complete GR.43 form that must be signed by the student's major advisor and Program Chair before submitting the research for publishing. The research article and the journal information must be attached with the form. The journal information must include:
    • The name of the international database where the article is located.
    • A sample of the journal's current issue.
    • Information assuring that the journal has international peer-review, they are:
      • Statement in the printed or electronics journal stating that the journal has international peer-review.
      • Letter or electronic mail from the journal's editor who confirms that the journal has international peer-review.
      • Letter or electronic mail from the journal's reviewer(s).
    • Information that can verify the internationality of the article, i.e. the journal has been cited in international database(s) on the internet, such as Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

  5. The Faculty of Graduate Studies' consideration
    • The Faculty of Graduate Studies' specialists will consider:
      • Whether the journal is an international journal and has international peer-review. OR
      • Whether the journal is accepted by Thailand Research Fund and the Commission for Higher Education to publish the research of the students of The Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program scholarship.
    • The decision of the Faculty of Graduate Studies' specialists is considered final.
    • When the Faculty of Graduate Studies approves the journal, the student will then submit the article for publication for completion of a doctoral degree from Mahidol University.

  6. Any cases that are NOT inclusive of the criteria above shall be under the consideration of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies whose decision is considered final.