8.Thesis/Thematic Paper Committee

Thesis Preparation and Submission, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University.

  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in the particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.

  2. Duties
    The thesis or thematic paper proposal advisor must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to do following duties:
    • give students advice on their thesis or thematic paper proposal when students register to do a thesis or thematic paper
    • advise on students' thesis or thematic paper proposal
    • arrange the thesis or thematic paper proposal defense exam within 2 semesters starting from the student's initial registration for a thesis or thematic paper
    • be the Chair of Thesis or Thematic Paper Proposal Defense Committee when the defense exam date is set
    • nominate the thesis or thematic paper proposal coadvisor when the defense exam date is set
    • examine the editing of thesis or thematic paper proposal following the conclusions of the Thesis or Thematic Paper Proposal Committee
    • respond to and advise on the thesis or thematic paper
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in the particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience conducting research in addition to the committee's own graduate studies.
  2. Duties
    To give an examination on the student's thesis or thematic paper proposal focusing on the following points; statement of the problems, research methodology, length of time needed to do research and benefits expected from that research.

  3. Number of committee members
    At least 2 committee members examining the thesis or thematic paper proposal must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of the Graduates Studies. The Chair of the Committee must be a thesis or thematic paper proposal advisor.

    Should it be necessary and suitable, a specialist may be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to be a thesis or thematic paper proposal committee members.
There are 2 types of advisors for Master's degree theses or thematic papers as follows:

Thesis or thematic paper major advisor
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor;
    • must be a thesis or thematic paper proposal advisor;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.
  2. Duties
    • respond to and advise on the thesis or thematic paper with reference to the thesis or thematic paper proposal which passed the thesis or thematic paper proposal defense exam
    • nominate the thesis or thematic paper co-advisor
    • give students advice on the theoretical concepts, research methodology and analytical processes, and help solve related problems that may occur
    • give students advice on the writing of a thesis or thematic paper and the language used
    • follow the research process and assess students'progress of thesis or thematic paper every semester until it is completed
    • give approval for students' thesis or thematic paper defense schedule
    • be a thesis or thematic paper defense committee members
Thesis or thematic paper co-advisor
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in the particular field or related field;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.

  2. Duties
    • cooperate in response to and give advice on the thesis or thematic paper with reference to the thesis or thematic paper proposal which passed the thesis or thematic paper proposal defense exam
    • cooperate in giving students advice on the theoretical concepts, research methodology and analytical processes, and help solves related problems that may occur
    • cooperate in giving students advice on the writing of a thesis or thematic paper and the language used
    • cooperate in following the research process and assessing students' progress of thesis or thematic paper every semester until it is completed
    • may be part of a thesis or thematic paper defense committee, and must attend every thesis or thematic paper defense exam
  3. Number of committee members

    The Thesis or Thematic Paper Committee must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduates Studies and consist of one thesis or thematic paper major advisor and at least one co-advisor.

    Should it be necessary and suitable, a specialist may be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to be a thesis or thematic paper committee member.
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field of study.

  2. Number of committee members
    At least 3 members of the Examining Committee for the comprehensive exam must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Chair of the comprehensive examiners must be a regular instructor. An additional external examiner may be invited to be on the committee.

  3. Duties
    give a written and/or oral examination on the course content for academic assessment of the Plan B program.
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.

  2. Number of committee members
    At least 3 committee members for the thesis or thematic paper defense exam must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The committee consists of (1) thesis or thematic paper major advisors (2) at least one external examiner and (3) thesis or thematic paper co-advisor or a regular instructor. The thesis or thematic paper major advisor or the co-adviser must not be the Chair of Thesis or Thematic Paper Defense Committee.

  3. Duties of the Chair of the Defense Committee
    • ensure the thesis or thematic paper follows the Academic Regulations of Graduate Studies.
    • assess students' caliber in conducting research for their theses or thematic papers, their know-how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions
    • finalize the exam result of the thesis or thematic paper

  4. Duties of a defense committee member who is a thesis or thematic paper major advisor
    • assess students' caliber in conducting research for their theses or thematic papers, their know-how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions
    • inform the student of the result of the thesis defense exam, in written form, within 5 days of the defense examination day
    • submit the result of the thesis or thematic defense exam to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies via the Program Director within 15 days starting from the defense examination day
    • ensure format regulations of the completed thesis or thematic paper are adhered to and a diskette is provided at the conclusion of the Thesis or Thematic Paper Defense Committee

  5. Duties of the defense committee
    assess students' caliber in conducting research for their theses or thematic papers, their know-how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. Degree or equivalent or have an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field of study.
  2. Number of committee members
    At least 3 committee members for the qualifying examination must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of the Graduate Studies. The Chair of the committee must be a regular instructor. An external examiner may be invited to be on the committee.

  3. Duties
    give Doctoral degree students oral or written examinations to determine if they are academically qualified to present their research proposal for a doctoral thesis.
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.

  2. Duties
    The thesis proposal advisor must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to do the following duties:
    • give students advice on preparing their thesis proposal when students register to do the thesis
    • advise on development of a student's thesis proposal
    • arrange the thesis proposal defense within 2 semesters starting from the time when students register to do thesis
    • be the Chair of the Thesis Proposal Defense Committee when the students' defense examination date is set
    • nominate the thesis proposal co-advisor when the students' defense examination date is set
    • examine the editing of thesis proposal to confirm that it follows the recommendations of the Thesis Proposal Committee
    • respond to and direct the thesis
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have an academic title of no less than an associate professor in the particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the committee's own graduate studies.

  2. Duties
    give students the proposal defense examination considering thesis statement, methodology, time spent conducting research and expected merits from the research.

  3. Number of committee members
    At least 3 exam members for the Thesis Proposal Defense Committee must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Chair of the committee must be a thesis proposal advisor.

    Should it be necessary and suitable, a specialist may be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to be a thesis or thematic paper proposal committee member.
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor;
    • must be a thesis proposal advisor;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.
  2. Duties
    • respond to and advise on the thesis with reference to thesis proposal which passed the thesis proposal defense exam
    • nominate the thesis co-advisor
    • give students advice on the theoretical concepts, research methodology and analytical processes, and help solve related problems that may occur
    • give students advice on the writing of a thesis and the language used
    • follow the research process and assess students'progress of thesis every semester until it is completed
    • give approval for students' thesis defense schedule
    • be a thesis defense committee
Thesis co-advisor
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular staff member or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in the particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the advisor's own graduate studies.

  2. Duties
    • cooperate in response to and advise on the thesis with reference to the thesis proposal which passed the thesis proposal defense exam
    • cooperate in giving students advice on the theoretical concepts, research methodology and analytical processes, and help solves related problems that may occur
    • cooperate in giving students advice on the writing of a thesis and the language used
    • cooperate in following the research process and assessing students' progress of thesis every semester until it is completed
    • may be a thesis defense committee member, and must attend every thesis defense exam.

  3. Number of committee members
    The Thesis Advisor Committee must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduates Studies and consist of one thesis major advisor and at least two co-advisors.

    Should it be necessary and suitable, a specialist may be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to be a thesis co-advisor
  1. Qualifications
    • must be a regular instructor or external examiner;
    • must hold a Ph.D. Degree or equivalent or have at least an academic title of no less than an associate professor in that particular field or related field of study;
    • must have experience in conducting research in addition to the examiner's own graduate studies.

  2. Number of committee members
    At least 4 members of the exam Thesis Defense Committee must be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The committee must include (1) the thesis major advisor (2) at least one external examiner from outside of the university and (3) at least one thesis co-advisor or regular instructor. The Thesis major advisor and coadvisor must not be the Chair of the Thesis Defense Committee.

    Should it be necessary and suitable, a specialist may be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate

  3. Duties of the Chair of the Thesis Defense Committee
    • ensure the thesis defense exam follows the Academic Regulations of Graduate Studies.
    • assess students' caliber in conducting research for their theses, their know-how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions
    • finalize the results of the thesis defense committee

  4. Duties of a thesis defense committee member who is a thesis major advisor
    • assess students' caliber in conducting research for their theses, their know-how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions
    • inform of the student of the result of the thesis defense exam within 5 days of the defense examination day
    • submit the result of the thesis defense exam to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies via the Program Director within 15 days starting from the defense examination day
    • ensure format regulations of the completed thesis are adhered to and a diskette is provided at the conclusion of the thesis defense committee

  5. Duties of thesis defense committee
    assess students' caliber in conducting research for their theses, their know-how of the research content, presentation ability in speaking and writing as well as intelligence in answering questions