Regional Seminar on Development Partnership and South-South Cooperation towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Professor Patcharee Lertrit, Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University and Dr.Aung Win Tun, Assistant Dean for International Affairs, attended the "Regional Seminar on Development Partnership and South-South Cooperation towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" on 28 January, 2020, in United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok.

Professor Patcharee also involved as one of the discussants in the session of "Roles of multi-stakeholders - Challenges and Opportunities" together with H.E. Ambassador Mr. Kyung Hoon Sul (UNITAR CIFAL, Jeju), Prof. Changing Choi (Korea Development Institute), and Prof. Youngwan Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Affairs). Professor Patcharee highlighted the importance of different approaches with different countries in partnership building and the importance of tailoring for what is needed from one side. She also discussed about the importance of matched partners in collaboration, and need to learn about the nature of cooperation and to identify a collaborator with good attitude.

Several representatives from different countries attended the seminar and the seminar offered significant opportunity to share ideas on partnerships from different perspectives.