Prof. Dr. Chartchalerm Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya
Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies
On 28 – 30 August 2019, the team from Faculty of Graduate Studies led by Dr. Aung Win Tun, the Assistant Dean of International Affairs, made an interview in Yangon, Myanmar, to the alumni and their current employers for the performance of the alumni after graduation from Mahidol University. The target alumni are those who had received scholarship from the project "Mahidol-Norway Capacity Building Initiative for ASEAN (CBIA)" during their study in Mahidol Univeisty. According to employers, overall satisfaction to the performance of alumni is great and we are very proud that our alumni are contributing significantly to their work and to the development of society where they are working. Our alumni, you are always be part of the Mahidol Univeisty.