Academic Seminar "Change in Education of Mahidol University for the Future"

On 29th January 2020, the Academic and Research Committee of Mahidol University's Faculty Senate (MUFS) hosted an academic seminar entitled "Change in Education of Mahidol University for the Future" at Mahidol Learning Center Building, Fl. 3, Mini Theater 326, Mahidol University (Salaya Campus). Dr. Thitikom Puapansawat, Chair of the MUFS, who presided over the seminar, delivered an opening remark.

The seminar was conducted by Asst. Prof. Dr. Wichit Suthammarak, M.D., Assistant Dean for Digital Marketing of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuttaneeya Torugsa from the Department of Rehabilitation Administration, Ratchasuda College and Dr. Patcharin Seree from the Department of Child Youth and Family Psychology, National Institute for Child and Family Development. Two facilitators of the seminar were from the MUFS: Asst. Prof. Dr. Pharrunrat Tanaviyutpakdee, Secretariat and Dr. Kittichai Rajchamaha, a member of Academic and Research Committee. The seminar aimed for participants to know about the Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP) that supported learning focusing on reskilling, upskilling, and add-skilling. The participants were also informed about the MAP guidelines and its inclusive PR services enabling the Programs to offer regular and short courses to meet with members of the public's demands and effectively advertise them via MAP. The event was broadcasted via Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP) by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.