The Faculty of Graduate Studies attended the Celebration of the 11st year (moving towards 12nd year) Anniversary of the Establishment of Golden Jubilee Medical Center

On January 4, 2019, Dr. Aung Win Tun, Assistant Dean for International Affairs, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, attended the Celebration of the 11st year (moving towards 12nd year) Anniversary of the Establishment of Golden Jubilee Medical Center and met with Assoc. Prof. Teera Kolladarungkri, M.D., Director of the Golden Jubilee Medical Center, to express congratulations on this special occasion at Karnchanapirom Conference Room, G Floor, Golden Jubilee Medical Center Building. On this occasion, the Faculty of Graduate Studies also joined in donating funds to Golden Jubilee Medical Center Foundation for extension building construction scheme (2nd duration) of Golden Jubilee Medical Center.