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Orientation for International Postgraduate Students 1/2022

On Saturday, 17 September 2022, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), Mahidol University, organized the “Orientation for International Postgraduate Students 1/2022” in Room 408, Graduate Studies building, Mahidol University, Salaya, and via Zoom. In this regard, Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., President of Mahidol University, honorably delivered a welcome speech to the new international students. Following by Prof. Patcharee Lertrit, M.D., Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, gave the opening speech and introduced FGS Administrative Team members. After that, Asst. Prof. Dr. Chusak Okascharoen, M.D., Deputy Dean for Digital Education shared Professional Skills Development information with all students, and Dr. Aung Win Tun, Deputy Dean for International Relations, presented general information regarding academic regulations, welfare, and benefits for graduate students.

In addition, there was a talk on the topic “HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL MU STUDENT, ENJOY YOUR LIFE & ENJOY YOUR LEARN” in which MU postgraduate alumni joined and shared their experiences while studying at Mahidol University.

Download presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wtsAjfowwZIrfgv9ZIFWVnzlwwd_Z37j/view