Prof. Dr. Chartchalerm Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya
Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies
On 19th June 2019, Mahidol University, led by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, organized an event to present researches of graduate students of Mahidol University at Mahidol Learning Center, Mahidol University, Salaya. The event provided several awards to students, such as distinguished thesis awards and distinguished innovative thesis awards for the year 2019. The total amount of rewards was 800,000 Baht. Assistant Professor Dr. Sorachai Srisuma, Deputy Dean for Student's Skill Development, gave a brief report about the project and Assistant Professor Dr. Suthep Wiyakrutta, Deputy Dean for Educational Innovation, gave an opening remark for the event. Associate Professor Dr. Bunyarit Panyapinyopol, Deputy Dean for Administration and Special Missions, provided information about distinguished thesis awards, distinguished innovative thesis awards, scholarships, and other awards from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University.
Later, students presented researches to receive the distinguished thesis awards. In this category, there were 29 researches which were divided into different categories: Biological Science, Physical Science and Technology, Health Science, Applied Health Science, Humanities, Sociology, Education, and Liberal Arts. In the afternoon, students presented researches to receive the distinguished innovative thesis awards. In this category, there were 7 researches. The Faculty of Graduate Studies will organize an award ceremony in a student orientation event in August 2019