Prof. Dr. Chartchalerm Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya
Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies
On 2 December 2023, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, organized the “MUGR Share and Learn Session: How to Write a Thesis Paper (Social Science)” via Zoom Meeting. During this event, Assistant Professor Dr. Sineewanlaya Wichit, Deputy Dean for International Relations, Networking Development, and Student Affairs, delivered the opening message. The guest speaker for this session was Ms. Yuly Astuti. She is a researcher at the Research Centre for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency in Indonesia. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. program in the Health Social Science International Program (HSSIP), with a research focus on population health and specialization in health-related social problems. Her research works are mostly focused on maternal and child health. The speaker shared valuable insights about thesis writing, data collection, data analysis, abstract composition, as well as some tips and experiences with the participants.