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CALL FOR PAPER : The 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Health



Date/Venue: 23-24 July 2019, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand Due date of Full Paper Submission (Last Round): 25 May 2019
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The #ICASH4 will be a two-day conference program, with one-day pre-conference (designed for co-host members) and one-day main conference (open for Public). In the pre-conference (23 July 2019), the participants will be exposed to three symposia whose speakers were invited to present their works to enable knowledge and experience sharing among participants from different countries. The main conference (24 July 2019) will present keynote speeches from experts and panel session. In the panel sections, participants can select the topics based on their preference on the sub-themes: 1) Public Health (epidemiology, health promotion, health policy, environmental health and safety, nutrition); 2) Medical and health science, 3) Nursing and midwifery, and 4) Applied science and technology in health, where selected papers will be presented either in oral or poster sessions.


For the #ICASH2019, we confirmed four experts to deliver their keynote speeches in responding to our main theme this year :

Prof. Andrew J. Macnab

Departments of Pediatrics and Urologic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia."Science for mankind: Translating research results into policy and practices".

Dr. Adang Bachtiar, MPH, D.Sc.,

Director, Center for Health Administration and Policy Studies (CHAMPS), Universitas Indonesia; Chairman, Advisory Board of Indonesian Public Health Association "Translating the future Millenium: Structuring disruptive healthcare".

Asst. Prof. Kanlaya Prapainop

Faculty of Science, Mahidol University. "Synthesis of Nanomaterial and its biomedical applications for human's health".

Asst. Prof. Natini Jinawath, MD, Ph.D (Clinical Cytogenetics)

Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. "Bridging the gap between clinicians and system biologists: From network biology to translational biomedical research".


All papers presented at the oral session will be published at the online ISSN-registered conference proceedings. Authors should submit manuscripts through EasyChair System not later than 25 April 2019, to be selected for the publication in the next issue of Global Health Management Journal. It features vary areas of efforts to develop health and well-being for better society such as factors of illness, epidemiology, health promotion, health policy, nutrition, environmental health and safety, nursing and midwifery, and other sciences related to health development. Link to download: www.PUBLICATIONS.INSCHOOL.id


Registering as a presenter in the main conference, the participants can present their original research findings and best practices either in oral or poster sessions, while review article can be included only in an oral session. Authors should submit manuscripts (in .doc or .docx format) through EasyChair System. Before the submission, information of each author should be provided and filled at the form, including First Name and Last Name, email, country, and organization. Each author marked as a corresponding author will receive email messages from the system about this submission. There must be at least one corresponding author.

Link to submit the paper: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icash4

Refer to the Important Dates to see the last day to proceed the submission. Selected papers submitted only from the 1st Round (Due date on April 25, 2019) will be considered for publication at the Global Health Management Journal.


All submitted manuscripts to the committee will undergo a double-blind peer review where both reviewer's and author's identity will not be disclosed. In some cases, the revised manuscripts will be re-reviewed. The final decision on paper acceptance will be made on the basis of this full paper review.


We take seriously the value of intellectual property and the caution of copyright. Thus, to enable us to disseminate the submitted work to the fullest extent, authors are required to sign Copyright Transfer Agreement Form. By signing this Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, the contributors (authors) warrant that the entire work submitted for participation in the conference is original. To proceed the reports to our Publication, the articles should have never been published before or under consideration for publication in any other journals.

Link to download: http://inschool.id/doc/COPYRIGHT-TRANSFER-AGREEMENT-FORM_ICASH.docx


We encourage those attending the conference to share their arguments and opinions in the floor. The certificates of the Best Oral & Poster Presenter, Best Papers, and the Most Active Participants and the Best Performances will be given at the networking dinner.


Moreover, for authors who wish participation without publications should notify the committee immediately after manuscript acceptance. The request can be sent to ICASH@inschool.id and info@inschool.id with email subject "Participation without publications" following with your Submission Number which sent to your registered email after submission at the online system.


The 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Health is organized by Indonesian Scholars' Alliance together with Permitha Simpul Salaya.

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Interested in becoming partners, sponsors, or event exhibitors in The 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Health?
Or join as the co-host for #ICASH5 next year? Kindly contact us at ICASH@INSCHOOL.id
Details of the conference: www.ICASH.INSCHOOL.id